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Meet our ‘Chocolate and Cream’ Girl

Meet our ‘Chocolate and Cream’ Girl

Let’s Talk Tortie This is Dizzy! Oregon Ragdoll’s new pride and joy. She is a chocolate and cream tortoiseshell Ragdoll. Currently around 6 months old and such a lover. Dizzy is happy being the center of attention and fills any...


The Mysterious Black Ragdoll

The Mysterious Black Ragdoll

Elder Ragdolls You’ve likely never seen a black Ragdoll. In fact, I believe we are the only Ragdoll cattery in Oregon currently providing this coat color. They are rare, but not for the reasons you may be thinking of. When...


Autumn’s First Litter

Autumn’s First Litter

Autumn’s First Litter   On September 16th, 2017 our cattery’s first litter was born!! Mother and father were both born on the 17th of their respective birth month, so we consider these kittens a day early. New parents at 1...


Looking for Frequent Updates?!

Looking for Frequent Updates?!

We’re Now on Facebook We wanted to provide the option of smaller and more frequent updates for our customers, while keeping the blog open for bigger news.  That’s where Facebook comes in!  Follow us on Facebook to be the first...


Where Are They Now?! [PHOTO UPDATE]

Where Are They Now?! [PHOTO UPDATE]

Let’s catch up! It’s been a few months since we’ve shown the progress of our breeding pair, Atom and Autumn.  They are maturing into such the beautiful couple of Radoll cats!  I had to dedicate the time to get some...


Meet the Extended Family –Must Read–

Meet the Extended Family –Must Read–

Last week, we visited our family in Nevada, where we were reunited with our extended Ragdoll family!  I have given my mother a number of Ragdoll kittens over the years.. and they are now all grown up!  They are so...


The Cats You Haven’t Met

The Cats You Haven’t Met

We have two cats that we have yet to introduce, but you may find them roaming around our cattery.  The first cat i’d like to introduce is our retired queen Rukia!  She is a seal point mitted with a full...


Ragdolls 101

Ragdolls 101

  We’re introducing ‘Ragdolls 101’ to share some of our knowledge of this wonderful cat breed.  Learn about where Ragdolls come from.. Distinguish the many Ragdoll coat colors and patterns..  And, find out what makes Ragdolls so beloved by their...


The Age of Atom!

The Age of Atom!

  With a window opening up in the winter weather, we took the opportunity to pickup our future king from Desert Ragdolls.  He is such the laid back and affectionate little boy! We look forward to the calming affect that Atom’s zen...


Naming the King (5 Weeks Old)

Naming the King (5 Weeks Old)

                    Our little boy is already 5 weeks old and continues to remain nameless!  The girl’s name seemed obvious..  her coat matches the colors of autumn leaves on snow.  But, we aren’t...